Heroes on Paper

Heroes on Paper is a publisher of adventures for the fifth edition of the world's most popular roleplaying game. The publisher was founded in 2020 with the aim of offering Dutch-speaking players a fluid gaming experience in their own language, with full narrative immersion.

From 2023, by popular demand, the adventures will also be released in English.

The Team

Jelmer Panman

As a child, Jelmer Panman re-enacted the adventures of the De Rode Ridder comics, with the stories involving mythological monsters being his favourites. In his imagination, these had endless sequels, and he alternately put himself in the position of the knight and his opponents. Later, as a young nerd, he devoured fantasy books and played computer role-playing games. It was one of those games, Baldur’s Gate, that put him on the path to Dungeons & Dragons.

His very first D&D game consisted of some messy interpretations of the basic rules, a hand-drawn dungeon, and a big brother being gently coerced to the game table. The experience proved instantly addictive. He started his first group with some friends from high school. His mother resignedly endured the wild shouts in the house, happy that her son was not lost in his own worlds alone, and provided the group with that necessary component for a successful session: snacks!

The role of Dungeon Master quickly turned out to be Jelmer's favorite: this way he did not have to limit himself to one character and he could give free rein to his imagination to create entire worlds. After some time he started creating his own adventures, which he not only carefully prepared and wrote out, but also neatly designed. The notes and maps piled up. The plan grew to include others.

The Covid pandemic provided an unexpected boost. Not only did he suddenly have a lot of free time on his hands, it was also a period in which it became clear to him that a cooperative game that gives people the opportunity to express themselves, give free rein to their imagination, and engage and connect in a constructive way has a value that should not be underestimated.

During the first lockdown he created a whole new campaign setting: Shattered Light. Three adventures have already been published in this setting: Shadow over Wintertide (2021), De vlammen van Herrijzenis [NL] (2022), and Dreiging in Drenkdal [NL] (2023).

Petra Doom

Petra Doom is a fantasy and YA auteur (Overstekers, Kinderen van Orpheus). More than ten years ago, thanks to Jelmer's enthusiasm, she was bitten by the D&D virus. She is responsible for editing the adventures and of course playtests them with great pleasure.